Pre-K 3 Agenda

Oct 9th – 12th



The letter of the week is P. Send in your P pictures. Please DO NOT send in any pictures of value. They are disposed after the review in preparation of our next letter and to prevent a build up of clutter.

Our book of the week is “Five Little Pumpkins’ Pictures by Dan Yaccarino.

Some of our previous centers will remain the same.  Our Apple Orchard will continue to grow and our Acorn hunt in our sand table is a hit. Additional centers will include Pumpkin Face Matching in our table toy area and Pumpkin Bean Bag Toss in our block area. Creating Pom Pom P’s will be available in our art center.

Art projects for this week consist of Pumpkin Plate Faces, Paper Bag Pumpkins and working together as a team to create our Spooky Mansion for the Fall Festival….

Fall Festival is on Friday October 12th. Our class will be attending at 9:30 am through 10 am. The festival provides a time for children to walk the playground and participate in various activity stations. Come join us! There are also many treats available so I would really appreciate it if the parents of those children who have allergies could try their best to be present for this half an hour to avoid any accidents.

At 10am we will be lining up in front of the chapel to start saying our goodbyes before we head back to the classroom to resume to our normal school day. Saying goodbye to attending parents will probably lead to a few tears, naturally. Please keep to your quick and loving goodbyes as normal.

Thank you for your punctuality and kindness in both the morning and evening. I am so glad to see all of my students present for breakfast chat and morning circle. This is the perfect time to encourage the importance of punctuality. It is an important value to promote now so that it is carried through the future.

Have a super fun weekend!