K 3 Agenda

January 21st– 24th  NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY


Once again, a big thank you to my Pre-K 3 families for attending our open house on Wednesday night. It was a great success and I hope you are looking forward to your new year in Pre- K 4 in September 2020!’


Next up on the list of our five senses, SMELL  mmmm

Activities will include joining circle time to play WHATS THAT SMELL? One by one our friends will cover their eyes as different spices are presented under their nose so they can guess what spice it may be. We will also help measure and mix ingredients for cinnamon play dough. Our water/sand table will wake up our noses with a fresh hint of eucalyptus. Speaking of eucalyptus leaves, in honor of our furry friends in Australia we will be creating Cardamom scented Koala bears. Valentines Day is up ahead so heart wreaths and love bugs will also be on the way…..



Our Valentines Day celebration will be on Friday February 14th at 1:30pm in our classroom. Come join us for a fun game of alphabet BINGO. Treats, cards and Valentines themed stories are more than welcome. Lets celebrate this holiday of love together and the start of our winter recess!