School Safety Plan

  • Parents must complete preliminary health checks prior to coming to school, including temperature measurement and basic verbal health screening. Parents must notify the school before 9 a.m. to advise if they are keeping the child home due to illness.
  • Children exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms below during the day will need to be picked up immediately. A staff member exhibiting these symptoms will also be asked to leave the school.
    • Fever over 100.4 F
    • Difficulty breathing
    • Persistent cough
    • Loss of taste or smell
    • Frequent nasal discharge
    • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • While waiting to be picked up, the child will wait with a staff member in a designated area (resting room).
  • If a child/staff member has a fever only, s/he will be required to stay at home until s/he is fever free without medication for 48 hours.
  • If a child displays multiple COVID-19 symptoms, s/he will be required to stay at home for a minimum of seven days with at least three days that are fever free.
  • If a child has a diagnosis other than COVID-19, a letter of clearance will be required from a physician.
  • If a child, staff member or family member is diagnosed with COVID-19, the school will immediately notify the Health Department and follow their instructions. Such directions will include disinfection protocol, potential closure of room/facility and returning to school guidelines.

State Licensing Requirements

  • New York State Department of Health requires that we send home any child/staff member who exhibits any noted signs of illness.
  • Parents must notify the school at once if their child has been exposed to or has contracted COVID-19 or another contagious disease.
  • If the child is absent due to a contagious disease, a note of clearance from a pediatrician will be required before the child returns to school.
  • Parents/caregivers must notify their child’s teacher and the Principal of any allergy or other medical problem, such as food or insect bite allergies, by the start of the school year.
  • All children must have up-to-date immunizations, as required by the Department of Health.


Morning Drop off and Afternoon Dismissal Procedures

  • Everyone entering the campus (the grounds of the school) will be required to wear a face mask while on campus. Children over the age of 3 and teachers and staff will wear face masks throughout the day unless they are eating or outside during recess. Breaks will be scheduled throughout the day.
  • Class arrival and dismissal times will be staggered. Different entrance and exits will be used depending on the grade.
  • Only one parent/caregiver may drop off/pick up each child.
  • Sign-in sheets and hand sanitizer will be available at each entry (School, Church and Blue Room).
  • Parents will be asked to keep in-person conversations to a minimum at arrival and dismissal.
  • All parents must wait at the gates for the child to be dismissed.

School Cleaning

  • Air purifiers have been purchased for each of the rooms in the lower level.
  • All classroom surfaces, doorknobs, floors will be cleaned throughout the day by staff in their rooms. Classroom tables will be cleaned by staff and students before and after each mealtime.
  • Common door handles and staircase rails will be wiped with disinfectant throughout the day.

Classroom Guidelines and Protocols

  • At this time and as per CDC guidelines, children over the age of 3 and teachers and staff will wear face masks throughout the day unless they are eating or outside during recess. Breaks will be scheduled throughout the day.
  • Timetables and schedules will include restricted times for movement in the building.
  • All lunch items will be brought to school in appropriate containers and all partially eaten food will be disposed after lunch.
  • Students and staff members will wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds multiple times throughout the day, especially after using the restroom and before/after mealtimes.
  • Outdoor spaces (playground and garden) will be used on a rotational basis depending on class size.
  • Each floor has a water fountain with bottle-filling capability. Staff and students will be strongly encouraged to bring in their own water bottle.
  • Fire Drills and Evacuation fire drills will be conducted regularly as mandated by the state. Drills will be conducted in a manner to be able to maintain social distancing.

 On-going Communication

  • We will continue to monitor information from State and Local authorities Department of Health (DOH)
  • NYC Department of Education (DOE)
  • Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

This document will continue to be changed as the situation develops.

R. Alovisetti, Principal
